‍Jessy Randall


is the Curator of Special Collections at Colorado College and the author of the poetry collections, Mathematics for Ladies, How to Tell If You Are Human, Suicide Hotline Hold Music, There Was an Old Woman, Injecting Dreams Into Cows, and A Day in Boyland.

Carol Sutton Lewis


is a co-host of Lost Women of Science and co-presented our third season about Yvonne Y. Clark, “The First Lady of Engineering.” She also hosts and produces the award-winning podcast Ground Control Parenting with Carol Sutton Lewis

Sophie McNulty


has worked for a wide range of podcasts, including Gardening With the RHS, Freakonomics Radio, and Safe Space Radio. She produced the first two seasons of Lost Women of Science: “The Pathologist in the Basement” and “A Grasshopper in Tall Grass.”

Episode Description

‍When poet Jessy Randall started researching the lives of female scientists she became angry. And we certainly can relate here at Lost Women of Science. So many women made important discoveries but received little recognition. In this episode of Lost Women of Science Conversations, Randall talks to Carol Sutton Lewis about Mathematics for Ladies: Poems on Women in Science, the collection of poems born of that anger. They discuss what it means to be the first in a field, the ethics of poetic license, and the importance of female role models in STEM. Randall’s poems are about some of the women we’ve featured in our podcast, including the first Black female doctor, Rebecca Lee Crumpler, and the physicist Lise Meitner.


Art design: Keren Mevorach, cover design: Kir Nazarov, Illustrations: Kristin DiVona; Gold SF/Goldsmiths Press


The Madame Curie Complex: The Hidden History of Women in Science, by Julie Des Jardins, Feminist Press (2010).

Women Scientists in America: Struggles and Strategies to 1940, by Margaret W. Rossiter, Johns Hopkins University Press (1982).

“She Sells Seashells and Mary Anning: Metafolklore with a Twist,” by Stephen Winick, Folklife Today, Library of Congress (2017).

The Women Who Mapped the Universe and Still Couldn't Get Any Respect,” by Natasha Geiling, Smithsonian Magazine (2013).  


Some of the women Jessy Randall celebrates are also among our Lost Women of Science. If you want to learn more about their lives and their discoveries, listen to the full episodes dedicated to them:

Episode Transcript

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